On Monday 12 March 2007 20:34, Steve Potter wrote:
> I am trying to find some method of attaching a
> Listbox object to a list object so as the
> contents of the list are changed the contents
> of the Listbox will be updated to match.  I
> have found a few references to something like
> this in this old post
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python
>3cfdbf7 as well as here
> http://effbot.org/zone/wck-4.htm .
> It just seems that there should be some way of
> achieving this.
> The only this I can think of is create a
> subclass of list that deletes and then refills
> the Listbox every time that the list changes,
> but this seems very in efficient.
> Any ideas?
> Steve

Look into the StringVar(), 
class for Tkinter. 

var = stringVar()

sorry I can't help more, but I think this is what 
you are looking for.




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