Hitesh a écrit :
> On Mar 12, 4:33 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hitesh a écrit :
> Thank you for your reply.
> From the return value I am trying to figure out whether the file
> xtRec* exist or not.

Yes, I had understood this !-)

What I wanted to point out was the fact you were discarding this value.

> I am newbie so exuse my ignorance... still learning.

Been here, done that... Don't worry. We're all still learning.

> Somehow when I tried your solution, it takes 10mins to scan 200 plus
> servers but when I tried my code,

Which one ? The original one, or the one where you first store glob 
results in a list ?

> it takes less then 2 mins.
> This is a puzzle for me, I gotta figure it out.

i/o are usually expansive, so the difference may comes from the repeated 
print. Also, I'm doing a bit of formatting, which is not your case.

FWIW, my own snippet was just an example of the idiomatic way to read a 
text file line by line. Doing TheRightThing(tm) for your actual problem 
is your responsability !-)

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