Thank you
(however in MATLAB ischar is the same as isstr)
but what if I don't know the name of module?
I.e. I have

def myfunc(param): ...
#where param can be both funcName or a function, and I want to obtain
both name and func, something like
if isinstance(param, basestring):
   func, funcName = <something>, param
else: func, funcName = param, param.__name__
what should I type instead of <something>?


On Mar 14, 7:06 pm, Alexander Schmolck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "dmitrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I can't find these via web serch
> > thank you in advance,
> > Dmitrey
> str2func: getattr(some_module, 'f')
> func2str: f.__name__
> ischar: isinstance(x, basestring) and len(x) == 1
> isfunc: callable(x) # is most likely to be what you want
> 'as


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