> Ha anyone tried cross compiling python with mingw?  At work we
> our software for lots of platforms (including windows) on a linux
> build host.  The windows builds are done with a mingw cross compiler.
> It would be interesting if we could do this with python + extensions
> also.

Yes, I was thinking of setting up a cross-compiling system, but why
would you use mingw instead of just gcc on Linux? Only cross-compiling
I've ever done is on RISC OS.

I use VMWare to accomplish a similar goal though, compiling stuff for
old 64Mb P233's running RedHat7 is a lot faster when done on a
1Gb/2.5GHz VMWare machine!

I just finished compiling Qt/PyQt/QScintilla/SIP for Python 2.4 using
MinGW on Windows, and can say that MSVC6 was at least twice as fast,
and required less patching to get it working, plus it's one less DLL
and the binaries are about 20% smaller. I also can't seem to get PyQt
apps working on Win98SE when using the MinGW build (2000 and XP work

Maybe I'll fork out the 100usd for Visual Studio .NET 2003 after all....


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