Were Python "eggs" a flop, or what?

     We need to have one packager that everyone agrees on.
Otherwise, installs become a mess, and then you have to have
installers that handle multiple packagers.

                                        John Nagle

Gary Duzan wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, alf  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I have a small app which consist of a few .py files. Is there any way to 
>>distribute it in jar like fashion as a single file I can just run python 
>>on. I obviously look for platform independent solution.
>>Thx in advance, A.
>    There is a new package that has been discussed here recently
> called Squisher that should do what you want by packing things into
> a single pyc file. There are still some minor issues that need to
> be ironed out with running the pyc directly, but it should do
> exactly what you want Real Soon Now.
> http://groups.google.com/groups/search?q=group%3Acomp.lang.python+squisher&qt_s=Search
>                                       Gary Duzan
>                                       Motorola CHS

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