At 01:32 AM 3/17/2007, Terry Reedy wrote:

>"Dick Moores" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>| May I ask a dumb question here? It isn't clear to me what to do with
>these patches. For most of them there is something like, "Committed as
>r54386 and r54387". I'm familiar with updating the editor Ulipad to the
>latest revision, using software such as TortoiseSVN and RapidSVN. Is that
>what is meant? And if so, what's the URL of the trunk?
>Yes, those are svn revision numbers.  Start at

I thought I'd give 
(the latest release (plus bug fixes) of Python) a try. I first backed 
up my Python25 folder (I'm using Win XP). Then with Python 25 open I 
opened the Explorer context menu for the folder and then the 
TortoiseSVN sub-menu. There doesn't seem to have a menu item that 
will enable me to update. I tried Export... and entered 
<> as 
"URL of repository", but that choice seems to expect the Python25 
folder to be empty. Can you tell me what to do to just update?



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