On Saturday 17 March 2007 13:51, John Nagle wrote:
> jim-on-linux wrote:
> > On Friday 16 March 2007 18:23, Jerry Hill 
> >>On 3/16/07, jim-on-linux
> >
> > wrote:
> >>>Below, the first select produces results
> >>> but, after closing then re-opening the
> >>> database the select produces an empty list.
> >>>  Anyone know the reason ??
> >>
> >>When you first open a connection, you
> >>implicitly begin a transaction. You need to
> >>call con.commit() before you close the
> >>connection, or your transaction will be
> >> rolled back when you close() it.  If don't
> >> want to bother with transaction handling,
> >> you can turn it off when you open the
> >> connection, like this: con =
> >> sqlite3.connect('myData',
> >>isolation_level=None)
> >>
> >>See the Python Database API 2.0 PEP for more
> >>details about the behavior required of DB-API
> >>2.0 compliant interfaces:
> >>http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/
> >>
> >>--
> >>Jerry
> >
> > Thanks, this saves a lot of con.commit
> > action. And the website is valuable.
> >
> > jim-on-linux
>     Don't turn off atomic transactions, use
> them. Otherwise, two copies of your program
> running at the same time will probably not do
> what you want. Just call "commit" at the end of
> each transaction.
>                       John Nagle

I appreciate the help.



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