** All the posts found in google are old.  I'm assuming new improvements have 
been made to both IDEs. **

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm a newbie.

1. Which one of them requires fewer lines to accomplish the same thing?
from what I understand QT it's just like Borland J-Builder. Meaning, you want a 
button, you draw it, then you double-click on it, a window opens up and you 
type events and behavior.
And with GTK, you just type everything.

2. Which one is cross platform? (Linux, MacOS, Windows,etc).

3. Which one has more widgets?

4. Which one is the easiest to pick up?  I tried perl-QT and oh boy that mother 
is cryptic.

5. Which one has a bigger support community?

6. or if you think both pythonQT and PythonGTK are junk please suggest the one 
you like/use? I work on a Linux platform with Python 2.4.

Thanks guys, I appreciate  your help.

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