Bart Ogryczak wrote:
> On Mar 21, 3:38 pm, "dmitrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I looked to the PEPs & didn't find a proposition to remove brackets &
>> commas for to make Python func call syntax caml- or tcl- like: instead
>> of
>> result = myfun(param1, myfun2(param5, param8), param3)
>> just make possible using
>> result =  myfun param1 (myfun2 param5 param8) param3
> How would you write "a = b(c())"?
> In my opinion it'll make code extremely obfuscaded. The great thing
> about Python, when comparing with eg. Perl or C, is that code is
> readable, even if written by experienced hacker.
Yes, but let's not forget that we are in half-baked idea territory here.

The fact that dmitrey didn't twig that the absence of such a proposal 
was likely for good reasons implies either an intellectual arrogance 
beyond that of most mere mortals or a goodly dollop of ignorance.

Maybe we could omit the leading whitespace as well?

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
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