dmitrey a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I looked to the PEPs & didn't find a proposition to remove brackets &
> commas for to make Python func call syntax caml- or tcl- like: instead
> of
> result = myfun(param1, myfun2(param5, param8), param3)
> just make possible using
> result =  myfun param1 (myfun2 param5 param8) param3
> it would reduce length of code lines 

Not by a noticeable amount

> and make them more readable,

I guess it's a matter of personal taste, experience with other languages 
and whatnot, but as far a I'm concerned, I find the actual syntax more 
readable - I don't have to think twice to know that it's a function call 
and what are the params.

Also, and FWIW, in Python, the parens are the call operator. Given that 
a function may return another function, how would you handle the 
following case:

result = my_hof(foo, bar)(baaz)

And while where at it, since Python functions are first class objects, 
how would you handle this other case:

def somefunc(arg):
   return 2 * arg

alias = somefunc
# some code here
result = alias(42)

> + no
> needs to write annoing charecters.

Could it be that these 'annoying characters' have a good reason to be 
here ? Strange as it might be, Python has not been built randomly.

> Maybe it will require more work than I suppose,

Probably, yes.

> but anyway I think it worth.

So try to solve the above problems and come back here with an example 
working implementation.

> + it will not yield incompabilities with previous Python versions.

Hmmm. I would not bet my life on this...

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