On Mar 21, 8:36 am, "flit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have a hard question, every time I look for this answer its get out
> from the technical domain and goes on in the moral/social domain.
> First, I live in third world with bad gov., bad education, bad police
> and a lot of taxes and bills to pay, and yes I live in a democratic
> "state" (corrupt, but democratic).
> So please, don't try to convince me about the social / economical /
> open source / give to all / be open / all people are honest until
> prove contrary / dance with the rabbits...
> Remember I need to pay bills and security.
> Now the technical question:
> 1 - There is a way to make some program in python and protects it? I
> am not talking about ultra hard-core protection, just a simple one
> that will stop 90% script kiddies.
> 2 - If I put the code in web like a web service, how can I protect my
> code from being ripped? There is a way to avoid someone using my site
> and ripping the .py files?
> Thanks and sorry for the introduction

Maybe an application for php. Then any html visible is not source but
result of execution of php.


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