Michael Bentley wrote:

> Perhaps it is different where you live, but here you can put on your  
> resume relevant things that aren't paying jobs.  Otherwise nobody  
> would ever get their first job, right?

Sure you can. But around here if one has been unemployed for a while 
it's nearly impossible to get hired ever again. It doesn't matter how 
many years programming Python one puts on the resume. Unpaid activities 
are just not *visible*. So HRM people keep asking questions like 'But 
what have you been doing?' In the end I just started my own company, and 
while I'm not always employed as a freelancer I can at least now say I'm 
running my own business.

The basic problem however is that it's just not anyones business whether 
one has been walking through the country making pictures or doing some 
desk job. All that should matter is can he do the job and is he 
motivated. Asking a person who he *is* (resume) is not Pythonic!

Especially if one never reads the output.


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