On Thursday 22 March 2007 15:18, Facundo Batista 
> > i am using red hat enterprise 4. It has
> > python 2.3 installed. What is the best way to
> > upgrade to python 2.4?
> >
> > I think one way is to compile python 2.4 from
> > the source, but I can't remove the old one
> > since when i do 'rpm -e python', i get error
> > like 'failed dependencies'.
> Install Py2.4 and actually start using it, are
> two different animals.
> For example, I have installed Py2.4 and Py2.5
> in my laptop. They coexist, and there's no
> problem about this.
> Telling all your installed applications to use
> the newer, it's not so easy, mainly because you
> don't have the power to test and change every
> installed application.
> So let them be. Just install the new version,
> and use it.
> Regards,
> --
> .   Facundo
> .
> Blog: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog/
> PyAr: http://www.python.org/ar/

I recently installed py 2.5 and I used the local 
user option. Now I build programs on 2.5 but I 
left the system with the original 2.4? since it 
worked just fine.  

Look in the instructions on how to build for local 
users and you 'll save yourself from encountering 
the unexpected.



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