En Wed, 21 Mar 2007 14:42:53 -0300, Jon Ribbens  
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sion Arrowsmith  
> wrote:
>> Jon Ribbens  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>  if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0:
>>>    ... error ...
>> "Readability counts."
>> if sys.version_info < (2, 4):
>>     ... error ...
> Maybe you should suggest a patch to the Python documentation then ;-)
> The formula I mentioned is the one suggested in the official Python
> documentation ( http://docs.python.org/lib/module-sys.html#l2h-5143 )
> as being the way to check the Python version.

Uh... I never thought it was an implied formula there - that F0 had to  
come from 1.5 = 15 = 0xF.
I think it should be stated much more clearly.

Gabriel Genellina


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