On Mar 23, 7:25 am, "sandeep patil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have install python on window xp os.
> C:/program files/python
> i have done print program it working but .py can't  working
>  help me  to how i will execute this file this file where i will save
> it.
> path execution how .
> tell me about any envorment veriable in python to set before python
> editor run,it path. etc
> ************************************************************
> >>> print ' sandeep patil'
>  sandeep patil
> >>> print ' sandeep "bhagwan " patil ,msc. java j2ee developer"
> SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string>>> print ' sandeep 
> "bhagwan " patil ,msc. java j2ee developer'
>  sandeep "bhagwan " patil ,msc. java j2ee developer
> >>> import posix
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module>
>     import posix
> ImportError: No module named posix
> >>> phonebook = {'sandeep':9325,'amit':9822,'anand':9890}
> >>> phonebook = {'titu':9423,'dadu':9422,'giri':9326}
> >>> inverted_phonebook=invert(phonebook)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#7>", line 1, in <module>
>     inverted_phonebook=invert(phonebook)
> NameError: name 'invert' is not defined>>> def invert(table):
>     index={}
>     for key in table.key():
>         value=table[key]
>         if not index.has_key(value):
>             index[value]=[]
>         index[value].append(key)
>         return index
> ************************************************************************

Hi Sandeep.

As you are working with Python on Windows, I would suggest that you
install the Python for Windows extensions from here:


It includes a very good application called PythonWin. Once installed,
PythonWin will be available under Python in your Start menu.

If you run PythonWin, File/New gives you the option to create a new
Python script. To begin with, you can save into the Lib folder of your
Python installation (probably C:\Python25\Lib). I usually add my
initials at the front of the script name to differentiate my scripts
from the standard ones if I put stuff in Lib.

You should be able edit your PYTHONPATH variable in PythonWin - see
the Tools options (though, now I look, my installation actually has a
bug in this function), or alternatively, you can add a folder to your
PYTHONPATH environment variable in RegEdit (if you know what you're

I hope this helps.



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