On Mar 25, 6:36 pm, "ianaré" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yeah the subject doesn't really make sense does it?
> anyway want I want to do is this:
> if n == 1:
>     self.operations.insert(pos, operations.Replace.Panel(self, main))
> elif n == 2:
>     self.operations.insert(pos, operations.ChangeCase.Panel(self,
> main))
> elif n == 3:
>     self.operations.insert(pos, operations.Move.Panel(self, main))
> As you can see all the different functions have the same variables, so
> it would be easier if I could just make a list and use that.
> like this:
> list = ["Replace", "ChangeCase", "Move"]
> textVariable = list[n]
> self.operations.insert(pos, operations.[textVariable].Panel(self,
> main))

try this one:
textVariable = list[n-1]
exec( "self.operations.insert(pos, operations.%s.Panel(self, main))" %
textVariable )

Not sure if this is an elegant/right way.


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