> I've been using the xml.sax.handler module to do event-driven parsing
> of XML files in this python application I'm working on. However, I
> keep having really pesky invalid token exceptions. Initially, I was
> only getting them on control characters, and a little "sed -e 's/
> [^[:print:]]/ /g' $1;" took care of that just fine. But recently, I've
> been getting these invalid token excpetions with n-tildes (like the n
> in EspaƱa), smart/fancy/curly quotes and other seemingly harmless
> characters. Specifying encoding="utf-8" in the xml header hasn't
> helped matters.
> Any ideas? As a last resort, I'd be willing to scrub invalid
> characters.... it just seems strange that curly quotes and n-tildes
> wouldn't be valid XML! Is that really the case?

It's not the case, unless you have a wrong encoding. Then the whole
XML-Document isn't a XML-document at all.

Just putting an encoding header that doesn't match the actually used
encoding won't fix that.

Read up on what encodings are, and ensure your XML-generation respects that.
Then reading these files will cause no problems.


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