The following code will print a message only once:
class PrintOnce:
        printOnce = True

        def __init__(self):
                if PrintOnce.printOnce:
                        print 'Printing once.'
                        PrintOnce.printOnce = False

first = PrintOnce()
second = PrintOnce()

The following code will do the same thing for a nested class:
class Outer:
        class Inner:
                printOnce = True

                def __init__(self):
                        if Outer.Inner.printOnce:
                                print 'Printing once.'
                                Outer.Inner.printOnce = False

        def __init__(self):
                first = Outer.Inner()
                second = Outer.Inner()

outer = Outer()

However the following code, which has a private nested class, does not
class Public:
        class __Private:
                printOnce = True

                def __init__(self):
                        print 'Creating a __Private instance'
                        if Public.__Private.printOnce:
                                print 'Printing once.'
                                Public.__Private.printOnce = False

        def __init__(self):
                print 'Creating a Public instance'
                first = Public.__Private()
                second = Public.__Private()

public = Public()

Attempting to run the code will produce this error:
AttributeError: class Public has no attribute '_Private__Private'

What can be done so that this private nested class can have the same
functionality as the public nested class?


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