Hi John,

That was an excellent idea and it was the cause problem. Whether this  
is a bug in shutil I'm not sure.

Here is the traceback, Python 2.4.3 on Windows XP:

> C:\Documents and Settings\Güstav>C:\python243\python Z:\sh.py
> Copying  u'C:\\Documents and Settings\\G\xfcstav\\My Documents\\My  
> Music\\iTunes
> \\iTunes Music Library.xml' ...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "Z:\sh.py", line 12, in ?
>     shutil.copy(xmlfile,"C:iTunes Music Library.xml")
>   File "C:\python243\lib\shutil.py", line 81, in copy
>     copyfile(src, dst)
>   File "C:\python243\lib\shutil.py", line 41, in copyfile
>     if _samefile(src, dst):
>   File "C:\python243\lib\shutil.py", line 36, in _samefile
>     return (os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(src)) ==
> UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xfc in  
> position 27: ordinal
> not in range(128)

Here is the code:

> import _winreg
> import os
> import shutil
> reg = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, _winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
> key = _winreg.OpenKey(reg, r"Software\Microsoft\Windows 
> \CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders", 0, _winreg.KEY_READ)
> mymusic = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "My Music")[0]
> xmlfile = os.path.join(os.path.join(mymusic,"iTunes"),"iTunes Music  
> Library.xml")
> print "Copying ",repr(xmlfile),"..."
> shutil.copy(xmlfile,"C:\iTunes Music Library.xml")

The shutil line needed to be changed to this to be successful:

> shutil.copy(xmlfile.encode("windows-1252"),"C:\iTunes Music  
> Library.xml"


On 27/03/2007, at 4:47 PM, John Nagle wrote:

> Facundo Batista wrote:
>> David Nicolson wrote:
>>> Thanks, but it's definitely not the print. In original the code the
>>> print statements are replaced by a call to a log method.
>>> Besides, the exception would be different if it was thrown  
>>> outside of
>>> the try block.
>> The best you can do is take the piece of code that has the  
>> problem, show
>> it to us, and then copy the traceback.
>> Regards,
>    There may be some problem here with a file being recognized as  
> Unicode
> in binary mode.  That shouldn't happen, but looking at the Windows
> UNICODE support, it might not be impossible.
>    Information needed:
>       - Platform (Windows, Linux, ...)
>       - Python version
>       - A hex dump of the first few bytes of the input file.
>                                       John Nagle
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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