[If this is documented somewhere, please just point me there.  I googled on
the terms that made sense to me, and didn't find anything.]

So, I have:


All works fine.  However, when I import ModTest, I would like it to discover
and store the names of the modules beneath it, and construct a list, say
mod_list, that I can access later to find the names of the sub-modules in
this module.  Kind of setting __all__ at run time, I guess (yes, I'm aware
of the case caveats).

I figured __init__.py coudl take its own __path__ and walk the directory to
find all .py files other than __init__.py, but that seemed hackish.  Is
there an "official" way to do this?  Or a better way?

To give "context:" all the modules will have classes that have the same
name, same methods etc.  One of the modules will be picked depending on
which implementation is needed.



Joshua Kugler
Lead System Admin -- Senior Programmer
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/  ID 0xDB26D7CE

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