On 28 mar, 23:36, Jarek Zgoda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Carl Friedrich Bolz napisa³(a):
> > Welcome to the PyPy 1.0 release - a milestone integrating the results
> > of four years of research, engineering, management and sprinting
> > efforts, concluding the 28 months phase of EU co-funding!
> So it took 4 yars of work and over 2 yaers of consumption of EU funds,
> yeah, great.

> Could anybody explain, what this gives to Python and its users? Would
> we, eventually, get GIL-free VM, that is capable to consume all
> available power of multicore processors?


> Or, maybe, we'll get something
> special, I am unable to dream of? Or is it purely academic project to
> create Python VM in Python?



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