I think it's pretty clear that we aren't understanding what you mean
by "open a text file and disply its content".

I conclude that by "edna" you mean this thing: http://edna.sourceforge.net/

I suspect you are not asking a Python question at all.

Did you try opening


in your browser? This will show you the design of your (unpopulated)
template rendered in your browser.


1) yes you do need three slashes after "file:" for some reason I've
never comprehended
2) you will need to replace <path to browser> with your local system
path to the edna directory. (In firefox you can, alternatively, browse
to the file from File->open; Safari will balk at the ezt extension; I
don't know what other browsers will do.)

If this is more like what your are after, consider that your question
was misleading (and entirely unrelated to Python). The edna miling
list is here:



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