Thank you, everyone!

On Mar 31, 6:43 am, Laurent Pointal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Hi All,
> > I'm just beginning my exploration of Python and I have a rather
> > general question. If two particular programs have Python scripting
> > capabilities, does that mean those two programs can communicate in
> > real time through Python?
> > I'm running some audio experiments (for artistic purposes) in the
> > program Pure Data (PD). I would like to use data that I extract from
> > audio files to affect 3-d game simulations in Blender.  I don't know
> > specifically what it is I would be manipulating -- this is an artistic
> > project, so intend to do a lot of experimenting to see what I come up
> > with...
> > My question(s): Is this possible, reasonable, plausible?
> Plausible, with a recent PC.
> I use some Java code + a research TTS engine (C) + Python code + Pure Data +
> VirChor (3D renderer+interract, C++) in a TalkingHead project at LIMSI.
> All these communicate via UDP, we just tries to keep amount of transmitted
> data not too huge (ie. just transmit status, positions, commands...).
> For the realtime side capacity, it depend on the process you need in
> Python - if Python reveal to be too slow, you may write long computing code
> into a separate C module or library (may see ctypes and pyrex).
> Another point, if you build Python multithreading code in same process, the
> Global Lock may lead to unefficient use of your computing capacities.
> Note. You may take a look at OSC (Open Sound Control), there is a module for
> PD and one for Python.
> A+
> Laurent.


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