enquiring mind wrote:

> Thank you very much.  A buddy installed SUSE 10 in Dec. for me so I
> shall ask him to look for rpm which I understand from your post includes
> pygame.  You have no idea how much I appreciate your information.

My pleasure.

By the way:

It would be quite easy to install it yourself, too. Here's how:

If you use KDE, click on the start-menu-button and go to
System/ControlCenter(YaST) there. You're asked for your root-password.
Enter it and YaST2 appears (it is SuSE's graphical installation tool). Click
on Software/Software installation. After a while a search-field appears.
Enter "python-pygame" there and click on "search". It should be shown in
the right window. Click on the rectangle left of it and press "keep
changes" (or "ok" or so) in the right corner at the bottom. You should be
asked to insert some CD/DVD then. Do it, wait a while and pygame should
have been installed.

It is really not much more difficult than on Windows.

See you


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