bytecolor wrote:

> Hey Rob,
> I actually started with that event, until I came across the modified
> event. I'm working on syntax highlighting. So I need any text change.
> Also, colorizing on a key release is annoyingly noticeable to the
> user. I tried it :)
> I'm sure there are going to be other perils along the way as this is
> my first attempt at syntax highlighing. I can load a file and the
> highlighting works very well. I used an elaborate regex with named
> groups and re.finditer(). I either use the names directly as edit
> tags, or they help me look up other tags in a dict. It's quite fast.
> screenshot with random (ugly) colors:
> That part wasn't bad at all. Now I need to code the text change
> logistics but this bindtags ordering has got me perplexed.

Have you looked at from idlelib?
There has been done such a syntax highlighting based on Tkinter.Text.



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