Steven Howe a écrit :
(nb : original post reinserted)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
>> how can i compare a string which is non null and empty?
>> In java,I do this:
>> if (str != null) && (!str.equals("")) ....
>> how can i do that in python?
> how about just testing it's length?
>  >>> from types import StringType
> def stringTest(x):
> ...     if type(x) == StringType:
> ...             if len(x) == 0:
> ...                     print 'Empty String'
> ...             else:
> ...                     print 'Not Empty String'
> ...     else:
> ...             print 'value not String Type'
> ...

I'm sorry to say this is a excellent candidate for the DailyWTF. It's a 
perfect exemple of uselessly overcomplificated non-idiomatic code. And 
it doesn't even answers the OP's question.

The pythonic translation of the OP's java snippet is :

if some_str:
   # code here

This will test that some_str is neither the None object (closer Python 
equivalent to Java's null) nor an empty string. Whic is what the OP 
asked for.


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