>> 1. subprocess.Popen cannot redirect stderr and stdout when called from a
>> win32 service. This is not documented, and makes debugging almost
>> impossible.
> Without the patch menctioned in my previous message, you must redirect all  
> stdin, stdout AND stderr (because the child cannot inherit the handles  
>  from the parent service, as a service has no standard handles assigned  
> usually) or none of them.
The truth is that subprocess.Popen raises an exception when I try to 
redirect stdin,stdout or stderr. If I do not redirect any of them, then 
everything works fine for me. (Well, of course standard output is lost.)
>> interpreter = os.path.join(  os.path.split(sys.executable),[0],
>> os.sep,os.sep,os.sep,'Python.exe' )
> I think you meant to write: os.path.join(os.path.split(sys.executable)[0],
>    os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, 'python.exe')
Yes, sorry.
> pythonservice.exe is so Windows-specific that using os.pardir only makes  
> the code harder to read.
> Anyway I'd use os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'python.exe') (sys.prefix would be  
> C:\Python25 in your case)
Oh, I did not know about that variable. Thanks! :-)




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