Dick Moores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In a couple of places recently I've seen Brent Welch's _Practical
> Programming in Tcl & Tk_ (<http://tinyurl.com/ynlk8b>) recommended for
> learning Tkinter well.

I'm skeptical of the value of learning Tkinter really well.  No matter
how thoroughly you learn it, your GUI's are going to look crude and
have a limited widget set.  For lots of applications, a basic GUI
which implements the needed functions straightforwardly is fine and
Tkinter is good for that kind of thing.  I've used it that way based
on the online tutorials and it's been good enough for my purposes.
But if I needed something fancier I'd probably go to a more advanced
toolkit rather than trying to push the limits of tkinter.

I mainly use


as tkinter docs and it's pretty good.

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