Neil Hodgson wrote:
> Steve Holden:
>> Dennis Lee Beiber:
>>  > Too many 3rd-party modules still aren't available in 2.5
>>  > versions for my tastes...
>> This applies particularly (though not exclusively) to the Windows 
>> platform, for various reasons -- the most common one is that Linux 
>> developers frequently don't have a Windows machine available to help 
>> them test their builds and ensure that distributions are available.
>> I am trying to address this problem, initially by making hosted Windows 
>> machines available for use as buildbots. 
>     I'd like to see this integrated in the Cheese Shop. I recently 
> released a small extension class and provided a source distribution and 
> a single binary for Python 2.5 on Windows. While I have the compilers 
> needed for building back to 1.5, most people don't and even when you do 
> it is complex to set up an environment for each version to compile 
> successfully.
Well, that's a great idea but it's ambitious. I'm not sure how we could 
give access to all the developers of Cheese Shop packages who would like 
to define a Windows build. Your skills and knowledge could clearly be 
valuable here.

>     It would be great if you could upload a source distribution and mark 
> it as containing files that need compilation for each version - or a 
> subset of versions if you know it requires particular features. Then the 
> compilation is farmed out to machines set up for each Python version and 
> when the compilation is finished, a status display shows the set that 
> are available and which failed along with a link to see the compilation 
> log. A unit test could be optionally included in an upload that would 
> contribute to whether the build is marked good.
It would indeed be great, and this was my original grand conception. 
Given that it will all have to be supported by volunteer effort, though, 
I can't commit to providing these features much as I would like to see 
them available - much more is needed in the way of community support 
before we can advertise what's effectively a compile farm for each 
Python version (and then we would need to take the various different 
Windows-supported hardware architectures into account).

Please don't think I am trying to pour cold water on your enthusiasm, I 
really do believe that what you describe would be a great facility. I am 
just trying to temper the enthusiasm with a modest dose of reality. If 
we could get enough offers of hosted machines and buildbot management I 
would love to see this come to fruition.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
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