On 10 Apr, 20:48, "Joshua J. Kugler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 April 2007 07:35, Pradnyesh Sawant wrote:
> > Any pointers regarding what packages should i install to get the
> > system into working condition would be very helpful
> It's next to impossible, due to conflicts with SIP, and other dependencies.
> See these two threads (both started by me) for more information:
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=243936
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=244612

Yes, so much for cutting edge packages in the bleeding edge Ubuntu
releases. Anyway, I've previously made PyQt4 packages for Ubuntu Hoary
based on the Debian (and possibly Ubuntu) sources plus diffs, and as
far as I remember you just need to choose a version of SIP which is
capable of working with both the PyQt3 and PyQt4 sources. I think I
also had to upgrade my PyQt3 stuff in the process, but since the stuff
shipped with Hoary is almost archaic, that was on the cards, anyway.

Sadly, you'll probably get into issues with the various applications
which need PyQt3, and it might be necessary to rebuild them. I'd
provide some details of what I've done, but they aren't currently to
hand, so I'll try and post some more information at a later time.



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