Hello Chaps,


I'm pretty new to the world of Python, but I'm slowly getting my head around
things, and on today's agenda I'm looking at consuming SOAP web services.
I've got an Adobe ColdFusion application which I've written that publishes
the web service that I'm looking to consume, but I'm at a loss as to where
to start. I'm running Python 2.4.4 on a Debian Linux distribution, in case
that makes any difference.


I thought I'd start with something very simple, just a service I pass an ID
to and it'll return a Boolean value. Here is the web service link.




I'd be interested to hear any thoughts on the best way to go about this, or
perhaps some working code examples of consuming this service. I will always
have the WSDL file available to me by appending the ?wsdl to the URL, I've
heard this makes life easier. 


 like I say, I'm pretty new so it's perfectly ok for you guys to assume I'm
an idiot and talk to me as if I were a small child :-D






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