On Apr 11, 9:23 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have written a function that runs functions in separate processes. I
> hope you can help me improving it, and I would like to submit it to
> the Python cookbook if its quality is good enough.
> I was writing a numerical program (using numpy) which uses huge
> amounts of memory, the memory increasing with time. The program
> structure was essentially:
> for radius in radii:
>     result = do_work(params)
> where do_work actually uses a large number of temporary arrays. The
> variable params is large as well and is the result of computations
> before the loop.
> After playing with gc for some time, trying to convince it to to
> release the memory, I gave up. I will be happy, by the way, if
> somebody points me to a web page/reference that says how to call a
> function then reclaim the whole memory back in python.
> Meanwhile, the best that I could do is fork a process, compute the
> results, and return them back to the parent process. This I
> implemented in the following function, which is kinda working for me
> now, but I am sure it can be much improved. There should be a better
> way to return the result that a temporary file, for example. I
> actually thought of posting this after noticing that the pypy project
> had what I thought was a similar thing in their testing, but they
> probably dealt with it differently in the autotest driver [1]; I am
> not sure.
> Here is the function:
> def run_in_separate_process(f, *args, **kwds):
>     from os import tmpnam, fork, waitpid, remove
>     from sys import exit
>     from pickle import load, dump
>     from contextlib import closing
>     fname = tmpnam()
>     pid = fork()
>     if pid > 0: #parent
>         waitpid(pid, 0) # should have checked for correct finishing
>         with closing(file(fname)) as f:
>             result = load(f)
>             remove(fname)
>         return result
>     else: #child
>         result = f(*args, **kwds)
>         with closing(file(fname,'w')) as f:
>             dump(result, f)
>         exit(0)
> To be used as:
> for radius in radii:
>     result = run_in_separate_process (do_work, params)
> [1]http://codespeak.net/pipermail/pypy-dev/2006q3/003273.html
> Regards,
> Muhammad Alkarouri

I found a post on a similar topic that looks like it may give you some




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