Anthony Irwin wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am interested in playing with python some more and am looking at 
> writing an app with data stored in a database. I have experience with 
> mysql but thought that their may be other better databases that can be 
> more easily distributed with the program does anyone have any 
> suggestions here?

with SQLObject  ( )
or   SQLAlchemy ( )
you can use any of the supported (sqlite, mysql, postgresql, firebird)
databases in an object oriented way without worrying about the details
of the database you use.

sqlite ( ) is a database which stores its data
directly into a file, while all other databases require a server to
be installed prior to using it,

so if you want to distribute your application it might be the easiest way
to use sqlite as your database.

Python 2.5 and newer has sqlite already included, thus it seems
the database of choice.

> I only use linux myself but I can foresee some windows people wanting to 
> use what I create and if I am going to support windows then I might as 
> well support mac too. (this is to say that the database should support 
> the 3 main platforms in use)
> Also is wxpython the best cross platform gui library it seems to be the 
> best I have seen so far.

Happy pythoning


ps: if you want to create a web-application i can recommend
     TurboGears ( )

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