Hello Guys,

Wider fragments of code don't really exists at this moment in time :-D this
is just a bit of a 'tester' class for me to get used to the methods.
Basically I'm trying to create a class that contains an array of MAC
address, these look something like this 'FD:E4:55:00:FG:A9. I want the class
to have the following methods for easy manipulation of the array.

addDevice(Address) - Pass in the MAC address and have it add it to the

removeDevice(Address) - Finds a device with that address in the array and
removes it.

isFirewalled(Address) - looks for that address in the array and returns
true/false dependant on whether it finds it.

Clear() - empty the array of all its contents.

Sorry for the sloppy code so far, I'm really new to Python so it's a steep
learning curve for me, I'm by no means a programming numpty and allot of the
principles are the same, but the languages I'm used to are more robust and
vague so I don't have to define what type of data i'm storing the array and

Thanks guys,


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Tim Golden
Sent: 13 April 2007 13:27
Subject: Re: Arrays, Got Me Confused

Michael Bentley wrote:
> On Apr 13, 2007, at 7:04 AM, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> # Filename: Firewall.py
>> class Firewall:
>>        def __init__(self):
>>               Self.FireArray = array(c)
>> p = Firewall()
>> print p
>> Throws:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "./firewall.py", line 9, in ?
>>     p = Firewall()
>>   File "./firewall.py", line 7, in __init__
>>     Self.FireArray = array(c)
>> NameError: global name 'array' is not defined
>> How can I solve this problem?
> from array import array

Well, also the line referencing "Self.FireArray"
is not going to work, unless there's
some global "Self" knocking around. Python is

More importantly, I suspect, is that the OP's
almost certainly looking for a Python *list*,
not an array in this case. It's hard to tell,
since we've no idea what's in the "c" which
is being passed to the array.

Robert - can you explain what you're trying to
do and/or post a wider fragment of code?



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