7stud wrote:
> Hi,
> In the IDLE, I can't get most shortcut keys that are listed next to
> the menu items to work.  For instance, under the Format menu item only
> the shortcuts for "indent region" and "undent region" work.   If I
> highlight some text and use Shift+3 to comment out the region I
> highlighted, the code is erased and I get the # symbol.   When I use
> the option(alt key) and type a character, I get things like this:
> ƒ,¢,º,˚
> I looked under Options/Configure IDLE/Keys and tried the various built
> in key sets, and none seem to work.
> I also can't use my mouse to copy(or cut) and paste.  When I highlight
> something and right click(in an attempt to bring up the context menu
> that has copy, cut, paste, etc.), the text that is highlighted is
> doubled when I right click, e.g.:
>      some text
> becomes:
>      some textsome text
> And, sometimes when I try to highlight a line, the line 7 lines below
> the cursor gets highlighted.
> intel mac, os 10.4.7, python 2.4.4
IDLE under 2.5 has been much improved on the Mac; all the standard Mac 
keyboard shortcuts are supported, and in general it's more stable. With 
2.5, IDLE replaces the old PythonIDE that used to ship with MacPython. 
Can you update to 2.5?

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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