On Apr 13, 6:14 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have a confusion when I do some practice, the code and output are as
> following,
> >>> def fun():
>         print 'In fun()....'
> >>> testfun = fun()
> In fun()....
> >>> print testfun
> None
> >>> testfun2 = fun
> >>> print testfun2
> <function fun at 0x00CC1270>
> >>> print testfun2()
> In fun()....
> None
> what is 'testfun'? Why it is 'None'? And print testfun2(), what is the
> meaning of 'None'?
> Thanks!

Your 'fun' is the sam as:

def fun():
  print 'In fun()....'
  return None

testfun = fun()

First prints message and then assign None to testfun.


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