> And that's a really sideways way to take a swipe at someone while 
> pretending to be too high-minded to do it (plus see James's comments about 
> other possible explanations). If you kiddies would take this fight out 
> into the playground perhaps the rest of the class can continue.

It wasn't meant as a swipe, it was an example of what he did turned around. 
There was no fight, at least on my end.  What happened was I was confronted 
something that I didn't appreciate it, and I made it known, just as most 
people would if it happened face to face.

> It *would* be helpful if you "just asked the question". You said in your 
> original post that "... I need to know the petty just because I need to 
> know", but that's an abuse of the word need unless you suffer from a quite 
> unusual psychological compulsion.

I see the point to getting to the point (lol). Most people don't worry about 
my ramblings, and I've found that if they aren't included I get a 1-2 line 
answer. That 1-2 line answer, while fine for most, just WILL not help me. It 
actually makes it worse. I have a compulsion for knowledge that pass' far 
beyond what most people would call healthy. So much so that I take 
medications I'm not about to list here. If I attempt to learn something and 
don't understand it, my entire mindset is taken over by my desire. I CAN NOT 
sleep, eat, or function "normally" until I KNOW even the mundane.  I hate 
using the following example, but it helps some people understand how my mind 
thinks.  Have you ever seen a crack addict walking down the street (or on 
tv) and their thoroughly searching the ground for the crack that they 
dropped (that they never really had)?  Take that and substitute crack for 
knowledge and you'll have me. SO now you see why I start my posts the way I 

> To you. Get over it, this is Usenet. You will experience worse if you 
> stick at it long enough.

I've already come to this understanding just as most who frequent any type 
of "community" online, what with all the internet tough guys who frequent 
most forums. That's in no way a knock at 7stud just an observation of most 
troublemakers.  But just because we all know its there, doesn't make it 
acceptable, nor does it mean anyone should have to tolerate it just because 
they chose to hop online.  When someone makes it known a certain thing 
bothers them, the polite thing to do would be to stop. I bet if I TYPED IN 
CAPS LOCKS FOR EVERYTHING I WROTE, someone, if not everyone, would say 
something.  Its the same idea with what I did.

There are plenty of ways to stop this kind of treatment online, and if more 
people knew that all they had to do was make a call to thier ISP, or to the 
local police department with even just a pseudonym, that kind of treatment 
would become less acceptable. I deal with these types of reports every day 
at work.  Fines can be impossed no matter where the harrasser is, and 
depending on the context can actually involve jail time. Of course this 
actual issue is very petty, and all that is/should be needed, was my 
addressing the fact that it was not polite. That should of been the end of 
it, and it seems to have been.

Believe it or not the problem lies with the people getting harrased, not the 
harrasser.  They believe nothing will be done and so they don't try, and 
then they come to accept it.  How wrong they are. 


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