On Friday 13 April 2007 10:20, Jack wrote:

> I wonder what everybody uses for Python editor/IDE on Linux?
> I use PyScripter on Windows, which is very good.

I'm using  WingWare's WingIDE.  Visual debugger, python-scriptable,
projects, code-completion that is second-to-none (I LOVE it.).  And a very
responsive support team.  Yes, it's commercial, but it's cheaper than
Komodo, and works a lot better for Python.

Plus, it's written in Python, so the developers eat their own dog food. 
During the development cycle for 3.0 (it's at Alpha 1 right now*), all they
used to development was the active code base.

*I'm using 3.0a1 right now for my development work, and have not had a
single crash or glitch.  It's good stuff.


Joshua Kugler
Lead System Admin -- Senior Programmer
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/  ID 0xDB26D7CE

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