Check out this toy example that demonstrates some "strange" behaviour with keyword arguments and inheritance.
================================= class Parent: def __init__(self, ary = []): self.ary = ary def append(self): self.ary.append(1) class Child(Parent): def __init__(self): Parent.__init__(self) self.append() def main(): a = Child() print a.ary b = Child() print b.ary main() ===================================== You would think the output of this program would be [1], [1]. But strangely enough the output is [1,], [1,1]. I suppose that the Parent.__class__ object is only created once and thus the keyword argument always refers to the same thing, but I don't know. I have a very rudimentary understading of python's guts, but I would still call the behaviour unexpected. Or perhaps I should rtfm? Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks. --