Xah Lee wrote:
> Dear Ken,
> I want to thank you for your spirit in supporting and leading the lisp
> community, in spreading lisp the language both in what you have done
> technically as well as evangelization, as well as the love and
> knowledge attitude towards newsgroup communities in general, in part
> thru your numerous replies to my posts in the past years.

Hey, thx, but to me recommending Lisp is like recommending water to a 
life form.

Meanwhile, the last thing anyone can doubt is that you say what you mean 
and mean what you say, so all we can say about your detractors is...

> (as opposed
> to, the motherfucking pack of driveling and fuckface ignoramuses that
> are predominate personalities in newsgroups,

...OK, but we know this from long Usenet experience. Reaching 
Enlightenment means smiling on these noisemakers and having compassion 
for them, for they live in mean, narrow worlds and in attacking you are 
only reaching for the sunlight you enjoy, in however their ignorant way.

The nice thing about this compassionate view is that it leaves you 
feeling positive and at peace within yourself, whereas the "driveling 
and fuckface" thing leaves you feeling negative and attacked. less good, 
for my money.


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