> I've been trying to find out what the future of Python is with regard
> to Tk.  It seems there are several interfaces that make use of new
> functionality, including "Tile" and "Ttk".
> If I want to write a program that will run under the standard Python
> distribution of the future, what extension module should I work with
> today?
> Thanks!
> -- Brian

Tile is available right now in Tk as an extension package, and a Tkinter 
wrapper for it can be found here:


Tile will be integrated into Tk's core when 8.5 is released. It's 
supposed to enter beta testing Real Soon Now. However, I imagine that 
Python/Tkinter will depend on Tk 8.4 for the foreseeable 
future--certainly 8.5 won't be supported officially before a full, 
stable release is made. Perhaps in Python 2.6?

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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