Hello Guys,


I have a byte array passed to me by dbus and I'm looking to convert it into
a string? Is that possible? Sorry for seeming like a putts with these
questions, I'm not used to all these complex data types :-D


The byte array looks something like this when printed to screen.


dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(54), dbus.Byte(0), dbus.Byte(24), dbus.Byte(9),
dbus.Byte(0), dbus.Byte(0), dbus.Byte(10), dbus.Byte(0), dbu
s.Byte(0), dbus.Byte(0), dbus.Byte(0), dbus.Byte(9), dbus.Byte(0),
dbus.Byte(1), dbus.Byte(53), dbus.Byte(3), dbus.Byte(25), dbus.
Byte(16), dbus.Byte(0), dbus.Byte(9), dbus.Byte(2), dbus.Byte(0),
dbus.Byte(53), dbus.Byte(3), dbus.Byte(9), dbus.Byte(1), dbus.By
te(1)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'))


Thanks again,




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