There is a new (and long overdue) release of the `Pythonutils module
This is version **0.3.0**.

* `Quick Download: Pythonutils <

What is Pythonutils?

Pythonutils is a collection of general utility modules that simplify
common programming tasks in Python.

The modules included are :

* `ConfigObj <>`_
4.4.0   - Easy config file reading/writing
* `validate <>`_
0.2.3   - Validation and type conversion system
* `StandOut <>`_
3.0.0   - Simple logging and output control object
* `pathutils <>`_
0.2.5   - For working with paths and files
* `cgiutils <>`_
0.3.5   - {acro;CGI} helpers
* `urlpath <>`_
0.1.0   - Functions for handling URLs
* `odict <>`_
0.2.2   - Ordered Dictionary Class

For more details, visit the `Pythonutils Homepage <http://>`_.

What is New in 0.3.0?

Several of the modules have been updated. The major changes are:

* Removed the `listquote <
listquote.html>`_ module
* ConfigObj updated to 4.4.0
* StandOut updated to 3.0.0 (*Not* backwards compatible, but much


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