On Apr 23, 2007, at 1:57 AM, proctor wrote:

> On Apr 22, 5:51 pm, Michael Bentley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Oops!  Note to self: *ALWAYS* try code before posting to a public
>> forum :-(
>> def binary(val, width):
>>         print '%10s = the sum of' % val
>>         for i in [2 ** x for x in range(width - 1, -1, -1)]:
>>                 a = val / i
>>                 print ' ' * 13 + '%s * (2 ** %s)' % (a, width)
>>                 val -= i * a
>>                 width -= 1
>> binary(233, 8)
> hi michael,
> just a quick clarification...
> it seems to me that the self-documenting part of the code should be
> more like this:
> print ' ' * 13 + '%s * (2 ** %s)' % (a, width-1)
> instead of
> print ' ' * 13 + '%s * (2 ** %s)' % (a, width)
> is this correct, or am i mixed?

No, you're right -- actually I ended up decrementing width after the  
print instead of before it -- but didn't feel like posting yet  
another correction.  Your correction works though!


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