Hi, i need to "compile" a python source (2.3.6) to make it standalone
on Solaris 9.
I get this warning on freezing my source:

"Warning: unknown modules remain: _locale _random _socket array
binascii cStringIO datetime fcntl math pwd select strop termios time"

in the source i have: "import os, stat, re, datetime, time, glob"
and running the frozen application I get: "ImportError: No module
named datetime"

like i have read in the old post in this newgroup i tried to recompile
python to avoid shared libraries (i used ./configure --disable-
shared), and to reinstall python of course (recompiling my source) but
the same problem occour. In Modules/Setup i don't have shared
libraries and the line "*shared*" is commented.

I have tried also other freeze application (Gordon MacMillan,
cx_freeze), but i get a fatal error importing zlib also if i have
installed right.

Someone have some tips?
Thanks in advance


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