On 25/04/2007 4:06 AM, Steven Howe wrote:
> Steve Holden wrote:
>> Thomas Krüger wrote:
>>> Tina I schrieb:
>>>> Now, this works but of course it catches every IOError, and I can not
>>>> figure out how to restrict it to only catch the "[Errno 2]"?
>>> There's an example that uses the error number:
>>> http://docs.python.org/tut/node10.html#SECTION0010300000000000000000
>> So what you'll need to do is catch all IOError exceptions, then test 
>> to see if you've got (one of) the particular one(s) you are interested 
>> in. If not then you can re-raise the same error with a bare "raise" 
>> statement, and any containing exception handlers will be triggered. If 
>> there are none then you will see the familiar traceback termination 
>> message.
>> regards
>>   Steve
> you could also use some pre-testing of the filename  os.path.isfile, 
> os.path.isdir, os.path.split are good
> functions to test file/directory existence. 

In general, this is laborious, tedious, and possibly even platform 
dependent. Then you still need to wrap the open call in try/accept. Why 

In particular, (1) please explain how os.path.split helps with existence 

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| >>> import os.path
| >>> os.path.split(r'no\such\path\nothing.nix')
('no\\such\\path', 'nothing.nix')

(2) please explain why you avoided mentioning os.path.exists.

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