On Apr 24, 2:19 pm, "Jon Slaughter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >http://www.911blogger.com/node/8053
> > Senator John Kerry was questioned concerning 9/11 during an appearance
> > at Book People in Austin, Texas. Members of Austin 9/11 Truth Now
> > asked Kerry about the officially unexplained collapse of WTC Building
> > 7."
> > Kerry responded:
> >    "I do know that that wall, I remember, was in danger and I think
> > they made the decision based on the danger that it had in destroying
> > other things-- that they did it in a controlled fashion."
> >http://www.jonesreport.com/articles/220407_kerry_wtc7.html
> > Thanks to the dozen or so people who submitted this as a blog entry :)
> > "Mr. Kerry?!?"
> > "Just a follow-up or two...
> > WHAT THE HELL|?| Are you saying that building was wired that day? Or
> > well in advance? 'Splain, please.
> > Does your fellow Bonesman George Walker Bush appreciate you letting
> > the cat out of the bag on this? Is that your cell phone I hear
> > ringing?
> > Why is your wife squirming like that? Stop it, Theresa! Stop it!"
> So what your saying is that the democrates are behind 9/11?  So they tried
> to frame Bush? Whats new?  Doesn't this then mean that the democrates and
> alqaeda are working together?  I always that pelosie looked like she had a
> little arabic in her(probably in more ways than one).

No, it was all staged by Giuliani in preparation for his run for the
presidency.  Much earlier he was seen on a grassy knoll.  :)

BTW:  Seriously, if you ask a fireman what to "pull" means you get a
very different meaning than the one being suggested by the OP.  There
is also a lot of images from places like the BBC of people green
screened onto older pictures of New York etc.


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