On Wed, 25 Apr 2007 15:50:53 -0700, flifus wrote:

> Hi all. I'm learning python these days. I'm going to use this thread
> to post, from time to time, my annoyances with python. I hope someone
> will clarify things to me where I have misunderstood them.
> Annoyances:
> 1. Underscores! What's the deal with that? Especially those double
> underscores. The best answer I read on this is that the double
> underscores denotes special methods that the interpreter may
> automatically use. For example, 4+4 get expanded by the interpreter to
> 4.__add__(4).

I know! It's such a trial, especially since my keyboard is broken and when
I type an underscore I get a small electric shock.

> 2. There are modules, there are functions, and there are classes-
> methods! Wouldn't it have been easier had everything either been a
> function or a class method?

What really annoys me is the way function names use vowels _and_ *ow!*
consonants. Some of them even use the letter Y, which sometimes is a
vowel and sometimes is a consonant. That just makes me mad.



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