Michele Simionato wrote:
  > I don't see the problem. In my view EuroPython is the big event in
> Europe. If you can
> go to only one conference and you have the possibility to travel to
> Vilnius, then go to EuroPython.
> The national conferences are of interest primarily for people of that
> national (of course, not
> exclusively).

Thanks, I didn't see it that way but that was ignorance on my behalf. I 
was WRONGLY under the impression that we were in front of a classical 
European pattern named "what WE can do collectively I can do better 
alone" - known use : European constitution :P (but I am digressing :D).

> BTW, this year I will go both to PyCon It and EuroPython, last year I
> went both to
> PyUK and EuroPython. The more, the better ;)

The more the merrier indeed in that respect! I learnt a lot from your 
"Using decorators" talk last year. Thanks.

EuGeNe -- http://www.3kwa.com

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