Sometimes (but not always) the __new__ method of one of my classes
returns an *existing* instance of the class.  However, when it does
that, the __init__ method of the existing instance is called
nonetheless, so that the instance is initialized a second time.  For
example, please consider the following class (a singleton in this case):

>>> class C(object):
...   instance = None
...   def __new__(cls):
...     if C.instance is None:
...       print 'Creating instance.'
...       C.instance = object.__new__(cls)
...       print 'Created.'
...     return cls.instance
...   def __init__(self):
...     print 'In init.'
>>> C()
Creating instance.
In init.
<__main__.C object at 0x4062526c>
>>> C()
In init.   <---------- Here I want __init__ not to be executed.
<__main__.C object at 0x4062526c>

How can I prevent __init__ from being called on the already-initialized

I do not want to have any code in the __init__ method which checks if
the instance is already initialized (like "if self.initialized: return"
at the beginning) because that would mean I'd have to insert this
checking code in the __init__ method of every subclass.

Is there an easier way than using a metaclass and writing a custom
__call__ method?

Felix Wiemann --

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